Big in Japan and
the Asia-Pacific region

Even though the Big in Japan team is a mixed bag of different nationalities, we all have a common trait. Japan is now our home, and our go-to language is Japanese. When even buying a car here requires 4 different handwritten official forms and separate visits to the police, city hall and the DMV, getting things done in Japan can be pretty daunting.

Add in financial regulation and enforcement, fluctuating currencies, unique business culture and of course the language barrier and executing your project from abroad presents a grand challenge of its own. We would all agree that not even the Japanese people can understand it all. Nevertheless, we’ve already made our mistakes and learned from them, so you don’t have to.

The same goes for APAC work in general. We have an abundance of experience delivering projects throughout the region. Tell us about your event or environment. No matter which country or locale, we can offer a service or insight that will be unique and useful to you.

Our headquarters
in Yokohama

Our main office is on the outside of Tokyo and connected via high-speed rail to all major exhibition and event sites. With another support team in Osaka, we have you covered from east to west.

Big in Japan Headquaters